Dnata Cargo Tracking

Enter Dnata Cargo Tracking number / Air Waybill (AWB) No in online tracker tool located below to track and trace your Air Cargo, Freight, Shipment and Get Real time delivery status information immediately.

Dnata Cargo Customer Support Centre :-

Phone Support number : +971 4 3166666
Email Address: kevin.ennis@dnata.com

Other Similar Parcels, You may want to track :-

Toll Dnata Cargo and Ground Handling Services is Available in Dubai, Singapore, Heathrow, Schiphol, Amsterdam, Manchester Airport, Village, Sydney, etc…

Mailing or Letter Support Address : dnata Cargo, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, P.O Box 522

One thought on “Dnata Cargo Tracking


    Dear Sir

    Our Cargo departed from Ahmedabad by Spicejet airlines no. SG015 on 01/09/2022 with AWB No. 77530496023.

    This airway Bill no. is not updated on your system. and we are not able to trace our cargo.

    Please help and update to trace the cargo.

    Best Regards
    Al Mashal Marine Services LLC

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